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Professional support and personalized care with no wait times

Does your foot hurt? Have you noticed any unusual symptoms? Is pain and discomfort interfering with your mobility and preventing you from enjoying your favourite activities? Do you have questions, doubts, concerns?

Do not wait any longer. Contact us and get an appointment with podiatrist in just a few days.

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Quatuor MD, Montreal


800 rue du Square-Victoria, Suite 2700, Montreal, QC, H4C 3B0


Phone: 450-964-3773
Fax: 1-450-416-1011



Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Contact us

For any questions or comments regarding the protection of your personal data, please contact Dr. Zyad Hobeychi, Podiatrist at

Frequently asked questions

A referal is not required.

Costs vary depending on the condition and the recommended treatment. Each case requires an individualized clinical assessment. Costs related to podiatry care are often covered by private insurance companies, but not by the province’s Medicare program (RAMQ). However, the amounts provided and the limitations may vary from one insurer to another. It is therefore recommended to inquire with your insurance provider prior to booking an appointment. Please do not hesitate to write to contact us privately if you have any questions. Our team will be happy to answer you.

Yes, we offer support before, during and after surgery.

You can get an appointment for a consultation within days. You have to wait about a month between the time of the consultation and the surgery. The date of the operation is chosen according to your availability, those of your podiatrist and the expected recovery time.

Surgical methods have come a long way in recent years. The techniques we favour allow you to get back on your feet quickly, with a minimum of discomfort. Most procedures do not cause postoperative pain and do not require a cast or crutches.

The methods favoured by Dr. Hobeychi, podiatrist, allow surgery on both feet at the same time. You will be able to walk out of the clinic on the same day, without casts or crutches.

Upon your first consultation, you will meet a podiatrist who will perform a clinical examination and ask you about your medical situation. They will take note of the examinations already carried out and will order other imaging tests if necessary. These tests can be done on site. They will specify the surgical indications proposed by explaining to you the modalities of each intervention: either the course of the procedure, its advantages, its risks and its postoperative modalities. If you decide to go ahead with the suggested treatment plan, you can agree on a surgery date with one of our patient coordinators. This coordinator will then guide you through the steps to follow: medical check-up, preoperative meeting if required, instructions to follow before the procedure.